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VALUE PRICED Aftermarket replacement Power Steering 'High Pressure' Hose.


2002-2006 R50 MINI Cooper and R53 Cooper S Hatchback
2005-2008 R52 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Convertibles

US Models ONLY - this High Pressure Hose is not compatible with Euro model non-US MINIs. High Pressure Hose is different for non-US models and we are not able to supply the non-US version...

[ ] High Pressure Hose

A leak in the system can cause the loss of fluid which leads to the loss of power steering - a scary situation at best, and can be dangerous. Don't take a chance and keep your system fully functional by replacing old and leaking hoses.

NOTE: Images shown may or may not be the actual product as product manufacturer / brands may vary depending on supply

Pentosin CHF 11S is the only power steering fluid approved for the MINI.

VALUE PRICED Aftermarket value priced replacement Power Steering 'High Pressure' Hose for your 1st generation MINI Cooper and Cooper S models including R50 & R53 Hardtop and R52 Convertible
Power Steering Hi Pressure Hose Value Priced MINI Cooper Cooper S Hardtop R50 Convertible R52 Hardtop R53 Gen1 (2002-2008)

Power Steering Hi Pressure Hose Value Priced MINI Cooper Cooper S Hardtop R50 Convertible R52 Hardtop R53 Gen1 (2002-2008)

Power Steering Hi Pressure Hose Value Priced MINI Cooper Cooper S Hardtop R50 Convertible R52 Hardtop R53 Gen1 (2002-2008)

Power Steering Hi Pressure Hose Value Priced MINI Cooper Cooper S Hardtop R50 Convertible R52 Hardtop R53 Gen1 (2002-2008)

Power Steering Hi Pressure Hose Value Priced MINI Cooper Cooper S Hardtop R50 Convertible R52 Hardtop R53 Gen1 (2002-2008)
Selected: Hi Pressure Hose
Part No: NME7699E
Fits the following:
MINI (2002-Current)
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OEM POWER STEERING High PRESSURE HOSE MINI Cooper Cooper S Hardtop R50 Convertible R52 Hardtop R53 Gen1 (2002-2008)
$371.05 OEM POWER STEERING High PRESSURE HOSE MINI Cooper Cooper S Hardtop R50 Convertible R52 Hardtop R53 Gen1 (2002-2008)
VALUE PRICED Aftermarket  replacement  Power Steering 'Return' Hose.


2002-2006 R50 MINI Cooper and R53 Cooper S Hatchback
2005-2008 R52 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Convertibles

US Models ONLY - this Return Hose is not compatible with Euro model non-US MINIs. Return Hose is different for non-US models and we are not able to supply the non-US version...

[ ] Return Hose

A leak in the system can cause the loss of fluid which leads to the loss of power steering - a scary situation at best, and can be dangerous. Don't take a chance and keep your system fully functional by replacing old and leaking hoses.

NOTE: Images shown may or may not be the actual product as product manufacturer / brands may vary depending on supply

Pentosin CHF 11S is the only power steering fluid approved for the MINI.

VALUE PRICED Aftermarket replacement Power Steering 'Inlet Hose'.


2002-2006 R50 MINI Cooper and R53 Cooper S Hatchback
2005-2008 R52 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Convertibles

This hose is compatible with US models AND Euro model non-US MINIs.

[ ] Inlet Hose

A leak in the system can cause the loss of fluid which leads to the loss of power steering - a scary situation at best, and can be dangerous. Don't take a chance and keep your system fully functional by replacing old and leaking hoses.

NOTE: Images shown may or may not be the actual product as product manufacturer / brands may vary depending on supply

Pentosin CHF 11S is the only power steering fluid approved for the MINI.

VALUE PRICED Aftermarket replacement Power Steering 'High Pressure' Hose.


2002-2006 R50 MINI Cooper and R53 Cooper S Hatchback
2005-2008 R52 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Convertibles

US Models ONLY - this High Pressure Hose is not compatible with Euro model non-US MINIs. High Pressure Hose is different for non-US models and we are not able to supply the non-US version...

[ ] High Pressure Hose

A leak in the system can cause the loss of fluid which leads to the loss of power steering - a scary situation at best, and can be dangerous. Don't take a chance and keep your system fully functional by replacing old and leaking hoses.

NOTE: Images shown may or may not be the actual product as product manufacturer / brands may vary depending on supply

Pentosin CHF 11S is the only power steering fluid approved for the MINI.

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Created: October 17, 2008
Don't miss out! Here are the most recent on sale and clearanced MINI parts at Mini Mania. Some we've had too long, some we have too many in stock and some we just want to offer to you at a lower price for a limited time.